The Capital District Friday Field Group, formed in 1993, is a mix of amateur and professional naturalists that meets weekly on Fridays at 5:30 pm between April and September to explore the natural features of sites in the Capital Region. The trips are free, and the public is welcome. Upcoming Trips:
June 1 – Petersburgh/Berlin – Scout a yet to be chosen site for wildflowers in the Petersburgh-Berlin area. Meet at the Baptist Church in Petersburgh at the junction of NY Rt. 22 and NY Rt. 2 then carpool to the site. The contact is Chuck Kieweg, 794-7598.
June 8 – Hren Property near Queechy Lake, Canaan. Survey for interesting mixed flora. Meet to car pool at the White Church on Corner of NY Rt. 20 and 22 in New Lebanon. The contact is Chuck Kieweg 794-7598.