To the editor,
Thank you to the over 40 people who attended the public hearing on Hoosick Falls Armory mostly speaking in favor of keeping the Town offices at the Armory and to the 350 people who signed the petition. So, we begin with a vision, a vision of success, a vision for the next chapter in Hoosick Falls history. And it all happens AT THE ARMORY
The opportunity to revive a structure unique to Hoosick Falls and its culture. Realizing how local history and indeed world events have been shaped by those who have walked through its doors
It is a facility, already in our town, one that few others can even claim to own. We are compelled to take advantage of this resource to honor those who have come before us and provide a platform for those yet to come. It is a showcase for the best of what Hoosick Falls has to offer, be it athletic, arts, our rich history or our untapped future.
We will need to ask ourselves – how do we stand out from the crowd rather than behaving like the crowd? Imagine, if you will, this new facility, living, breathing and dynamic in nature, always something new, sparking interest with the public as they ask, “What’s going on at the Armory this month?” It’s a dinner, a show a wedding, an art show, basketball, volleyball, roller-skating or just a place for our seniors to walk during the winter.
The potential exists right here, right now, right in our own back yard. Accept this vision, with town offices that we will find will stimulate growth, preserve history and serve the community. This historic icon will provide the catalyst for the rebirth of downtown Hoosick Falls and we invite ALL of our neighbors to join in shaping what could be the next chapter in Hoosick Falls history.
Kevin F. O’Malley
Rogers Avenue, Hoosick Falls