To the Editor:
First of all, I have to agree with Mr. Nash. We do have serious health, safety and ADA compliance issues in this district. That is where it ends. These problems are not from neglect. Many times referendums have been drawn up to correct the problems. They have always been voted down.
The new referendum will NOT raise taxes. It will replace all of the windows in the elementary school. It also will replace the entrance doors. It also includes an elevator for handicap access. Handicapped access to bathrooms is included. All lead and asbestos is to be removed. Upgrading the heating and ventilation system is included. The wiring in the elementary school is to be upgraded and the electric service will be a breaker system instead of the old fashion fuse system. Emergency lighting is to be installed. There is roof work to be done at HS/MS and the elementary school. The 1989 roof at the HS//MS is to be replaced. Storm water management is also needed at the HS/MS. Ventilation needs to be put into the art room at the elementary school.
I know that I am missing some of the items listed in the referendum, but as you can see, these take care of a lot of the health, safety and ADA problems.
The total cost of these repairs comes to 6.825 million dollars. The State will finance 5.1 million dollars as long as we put in the elevator. This is mandatory to meet the ADA compliance. The remaining 1.9 million dollars will come out of the capital funds.
These problems have been pushed around for too many years. The longer we put them off, the worse it will be. Goodermote and Willis have done the leg work. They knew it was necessary and went ahead and did all the work. Now, it is suggested that we vote no because everyone on the Board didn’t have a hand in it. You would think they would be grateful. It is just being childish. This has been bounced around and tabled too long.
Again, the big question is how much is it going to raise our taxes? It is not going to raise our taxes. It will be an additional 0%. So what is there to vote against? Vote YES for the referendum on December 13th. Let’s make our schools safer for our children and grandchildren.
Thank you,
JoAnn Kellar, Concerned grandparent
Park Avenue, Berlin