To the Editor:
I would like everyone in the Berlin Central School District who cares about our children and/or our school tax bills to continue, or in some cases to begin, being vigilant regarding the plans and activities of our current School Board.
We MUST also, in whatever forms are available to us, communicate our opinions and desires for our District to said School Board!
A few years ago, the announcement of the intention to consolidate our 3 elementary schools into one building began a growing firestorm of controversy that has continued and evolved to this day. That evolution itself is an interesting topic to me but not the most important.
Although our topics of controversy have not always been the same these past few years, they are indeed all important and related. Whether it is the closing of schools, the scope of danger and the resulting actions related to lead and other hazards in our schools, overcrowding, the need for savings and careful budgeting or a host of other issues, my observation is that one thing remains constant. That one thing is that a relatively small number of parents and taxpayers have remained aware and engaged through every phase and issue. I have seen large numbers of interested parties at different times, but interest then drops off. I believe this is one of the main reasons we have been unable to move forward, out of the firestorm and into a purposeful and focused long term plan for our District.
For the sake of our children, I believe all of the parents and taxpayers in our District need to very quickly accomplish the following things.
Educate ourselves regarding the issues and ALL possible solutions and demand that our School Board and administration do the same.
Further demand that the School Board and administration formulate a common sense long range plan that the majority of us can understand and support.
Once we feel fully aware, we must make our opinions known. I know there have been some efforts to ask for parents’ opinions in the recent past, but certain Board members have thwarted those efforts.
Do not now accept a 6-7 million dollar “band-aid” capital project plan for two critically injured buildings before the aforementioned long range plan is at least mapped out! We cannot afford to jump into “quick fixes” that are partial at best, especially without a comprehensive model for what should follow. The proponents of this plan also expect State aid to pay for about $5.1 million of that cost. What if it doesn’t? (The State’s on shaky ground, too.)
To that end some of us have demanded a combined District-wide public meeting/hearing where every parent and taxpayer can request answers to our questions and express our concerns regarding the capital project plan. This demand has been met, and a public hearing is scheduled for December 5 at 8:30 pm, after the Town meeting at the Berlin Middle/High School. This is a late hour, but it is imperative that as many parents and taxpayers as possible attend. This will be our only chance before the Board’s proposed referendum vote on the “Willis-Goodermote Building Plan” as it has come to be called by some. That vote, coincidentally, is scheduled for December 13, 2011, one week BEFORE the next scheduled School Board Meeting.
In closing, I implore everyone to find a calm and articulate way to voice your concerns and to know HOW and WHY you will vote on December 13. KNOW BECAUSE YOU FOUND OUT FOR YOURSELVES. PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE! And please stay involved even afterward; our kids need that from us.
Shelly Bedford