To the Editor:
I am writing in response to a recent flyer I read from a candidate running for Town Justice [in Grafton] on the Democratic Party line in this fall’s election.
At first glance his flyer seemed quite innocent and professional. After reading again, it became clear to me that this candidate was being very clever with his writing and was taking between the line political shots at his opposition.
In his letter he states, “In the past year, however, Grafton has seen a considerable amount of discussion on a variety of topics, and indeed significant political discord.” He then goes on to say, “But I strongly believe none of this should have any bearing on the election of Town Justice. Candidates for any judicial position should always separate themselves and rise above these issues.”
A couple of things struck about his statement after I read it a second time. One was he never mentioned in his flyer that the “political discord” he spoke about over that last year was generated from a handful of people that he is currently aligned with for this upcoming election. The same group that for nearly a year met privately on numerous occasions and planned their unwarranted attacks on a hard working and honest Town Supervisor month after month until they finally drove her from office.
The second thing that struck me was his statement in the third paragraph of his flyer. He stated, “The Grafton Democratic and Citizens Party team has dedicated themselves to a more honest an open form of town government.” After reading this, I realized that this statement was crafted in a way of putting doubt into the reader’s minds that the current Town government may not be honest and have an open government policy, neither of which is remotely true of correct.
In conclusion, I agree with one thing he said in his flyer, that “Candidates for any judicial position should always separate themselves and rise above these issues.” As a former Town Justice for the Town of Grafton I agree with this statement, but unfortunately, I believe he failed to do so after reading his campaign literature.
Theron J. Odell
Former Grafton Town Justice