County Executive Kathleen M. Jimino has announced that the 10th annual TRIAD Conference will be on Saturday, September 24, from 9 am to 2:30 pm at the Bulmer Telecommunications Center located on the campus of Hudson Valley Community College. TRIAD is a partnership of Senior Citizens, service providers and law enforcement agencies working together to prevent the criminal victimization of seniors as well as provide information on healthy lifestyles.
“This event provides a great deal of information that can prove very useful to seniors as they continue to lead safe, healthy and productive lives,” said Rensselaer County Executive Kathleen M. Jimino. “I urge all seniors to strongly consider attending this year’s conference.”
Topics covered at the conference will include changes to the Medicare laws, identity theft, Alzheimer’s disease, financial planning, senior driving safety and much more.
Once again, community-based exhibitors will be on hand to discuss matters of importance and present tables of information on care giving, county, state and community service providers and legal matters as well as insurance issues, to name a few.
This year’s annual event is provided by Rensselaer County Executive Kathy Jimino and the TRIAD committee of Rensselaer County.