compiled by David Flint
During the Civil War, Stephentown resident Charles F. Chapel was a Landsman, a seaman recruit, aboard the USS Wabash, Flagship of Admiral Samuel F. du Pont, Commander of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron.
On board the Flagship Wabash January the 12, 1862
Dear friends,
Having a few lesure moments I thought I would write a few lines to you in answer to yours of the 12th and was happy to hear that you are all well. I am well and hope this will find you the same. The word came down here today
that we have got Fort Pullaski. The (rebel ?) brigade gave it up. You want to know how I fare and if I have anything to eat. We have to buy it. But never mind, I guess I shall live through it. You ask me if I will get my discharge. I think that I will when the war is over. You tell me that henry is to home. We have some easy times down in ____ land. We went up to Bufort (Beaufort?) and gave them a few Northern shells. They can’t stand them. They say they can lick the soldiers any time but they can’t dodge our shells. I am glad to hear that William is getting on so well. You didn’t tell me whether Stephen had left Troy or not. Henry, I want you to write to me. I enclose one dollar. I wish you would send me a half dozen leter stamps. I can’t think of anything more. If did I could not write it for I have no place to write. Write as soon as you get this.
Your Charles F Chapel
Send your leters to Port Royal South Car.
Fort Pulaski, guarding the entrance to Savannah harbor, was not taken until April 11, 1862 after a massive bombardment from Union artillery set up on Tybee Island just across the Savannah River. Chapel is probably referring to the shelling and taking of Tybee Island, directed by DuPont from the Flagship, which was made easy after Confederate forces abandoned it in December of 1861. In the April battle, a detachment of 100 sailors and officers from the Wabash did land on Tybee and manned one of the batteries of new rifled cannon that proved successful in penetrating the walls of the fort.
William and Stephen are older brothers; Henry is a younger brother, about 28 years old.
A Landsman earned about $12 a month. His food on board ship would probably be deducted from his food allowance.
The Wabash, a steam screw frigate, was in the largest class of US warships in the Civil War. She was armed with about 40 Dahlgren smoothbore shell guns ranging from 8” to 10”.