[private]To the Editor:[/private]
I would like to thank the Berlin Fire Company and the Berlin Highway crew for all their efforts during tropical storm Irene. Without the effort put forth by these people the Town would not have been able to react to the damage incurred by the storm.
I would like to thank Cyril Grant and the Berlin Central School for helping provide mats so the firehouse could provide shelter to evacuees from the Aqua Vista Campground, also Deputy Supervisor Tara Fisher and her husband Torg for transporting the mats to the firehouse.
This was the first test of how the Town would react during a natural disaster and the use of the NIMS training for the interaction between the organizations involved in such occurrences. Prior to the arrival of the storm I met with Fire Chiefs Osterhaut and Barber to create our game plan, and we determined the firehouse would be the command post for the operation.
Although there were only three times when the sirens were sounded the command center responded to over thirty-five calls from residents of which ten involved complete washouts of bridges, culverts and roads.
Again, thanks to all those that help protect our community.
Robert C. Jaeger
Town of Berlin