On May 21, the Grafton Historical Society gathered several volunteers to preserve and restore Snyder cemetery in Grafton Lakes State Park. Led by Joe Ferrannini of Grave Stone Matters of Hoosick Falls, the group was able to repair and clean several of the markers within the cemetery. The before and after pictures above show the remarkable work the group accomplished in only one day. “We are very thankful to have a partnership with the local community that helps us preserve this special historical site within the park,” said Park Manager Melissa Miller. “It is remarkable to see what a few volunteers can accomplish in such a short time.”
The Snyder cemetery contains gravestones dating from 1856 until 1935.

The family emigrated from Germany around 1850, settling by Mill Pond. They prospered in running the Town’s only grist mill, as indicated by the large monument and wrought iron fence found in the cemetery. The property has been part of Grafton Lakes State Park since it was acquired in 1971.
Lunch was provided to the volunteers free of charge by the Grafton Historical Society for all their hard work and effort in renewing this historical landmark.
The Park would like to offer its sincere thanks to the Grafton Historical Society, Dorothy Surprise, Joe Ferrannini and all the volunteers who donated their time and effort to preserve our history.