To the Editor:
Approximately 15 years ago I moved to the town of Grafton. I found the town officials to be helpful, welcoming, supportive and knowledgeable. However recently it seems that all good things must come to an end. The town of Grafton has taken upon itself to make laws and pass laws with out a referendum, the people’s right to vote. The town of Grafton has also taken it upon itself to appoint officials, and many of these officials have more then one position in some cases as many as 3 positions. No person should have 3 positions when the town of Grafton is full of talented hard working, educated, experienced individuals.
It is also my understanding the town of Grafton did not even look at or consider an application by a resident seeking the Assessors position. It is my opinion no person working for the town government should have an appointed position, and the town should go back to elected officials and give the voters the right to choose. Furthermore, by giving these appointed officials more then one position in the town it has created a conflict of interest, and the appointed officials seem to forget that he or she is working for the people of Grafton, the taxpayers who make these jobs possible.
With recent events that have taken place in our town government it is my opinion that the town government has tarnished the good name of Grafton which sends a message to neighboring towns and communities – don’t come here, don’t invest in our property or our town. And once again it is the people of Grafton and the taxpayers who suffer. For many of us taxpayers our single largest investment is our home and our property and now, thanks to you, the town government, you have flushed those property values down the toilet. Thank you.
Rick Ungaro
Madonna Lake Road, Grafton