Dear Editor,
I am responding to your article on the BCS District Vote under the “Accusations of Election Law Violations.” As I read the article I just couldn’t believe that the Acting School Board President, Bev Stewart, would discuss and share with Mr. Zlotnick (a candidate for a school board position) the information she had regarding a possible invalidation of the other school board position candidates’ nomination petitions. I was actually appalled that a person in Ms. Stewart’s position would actually “share” information with a competing candidate. I may be wrong, but to me it seemed both unethical and unprofessional and even possible that there was a conspiracy going on between Ms. Stewart with Mr. Zlotnick to throw the election over a very small “technicality.”
In all fairness was the information that was “shared” at the eleventh hour with Mr. Zlotnick also shared with the other school board candidates so they could go out and get their two other signatures to equal 27 rather than the usual 25 signatures required? I am guessing not. If Ms. Stewart was trying to be fair with the information, why weren’t all candidates given the same information as Mr. Zlotnick? Was this an approved School Board decision for Ms. Stewart to share this information with only Mr. Zlotnick? Ms. Stewart is quoted as saying that “It appears to be a series of mistakes/oversights which has led up to this point and seems to have jeopardized the integrity of this election.” Where is your integrity Ms. Stewart?
I get the feeling that there are some underlying issues and resentment occurring with Stewart and Zlotnick toward BCS District where they feel they must attack the District; my feeling is that they are trying to put individual towns against each other rather than come together for the betterment of the school district as a whole. My interpretation of the Eastwick Press newspaper article is that the taxpayers in this district spoke at the election by voting for the other candidates with Mr. Zlotnick losing the election. I’m not sure that the other candidates really needed the other two “technical” signatures on their nomination petitions as it was clear the taxpayers of this district do not want Mr. Zlotnick to represent them. I’m not even sure we really want Ms. Stewart to represent us if she continues with this unprofessional behavior. I personally think she should step down as Acting Board President.
My personal opinion is that this unprofessional behavior is costing the school district taxpayers money, time and resources that are much better spent on our children’s education and solving the issues facing our district rather than on petty issues and legal fees. It was amazing to me that this portion of the newspaper article got so much attention. If Ms. Stewart and Mr. Zlotnick want their names in the paper, then start stating the positives about this school district instead of all the negatives. The taxpayers and children of this district deserve better. BCS District is really a hidden treasure in our community!
Micky Atwater