To the Editor
First, I would like to thank Mr. Kramer for pointing out in his recent coverage of the debacle that was the last town meeting, that the Berlin Town Supervisor is a very qualified man with an impressive business background. Rob Jaeger has, in my opinion, done a commendable job, given the amount of grief he’s had to contend with from the very UNqualified council members with which we are presently afflicted.
I have heard that certain Town council members feel that, no matter what, the Town Board has the final say. If that is the case, why were we, the citizens of Berlin, asked not once but twice to vote for our wishes as pertained to the purchase of the Berlin Lumber property by the town? For a lark? As depressing as it is to be saddled with these three council members who seem to be laboring under the mighty loads of their own personal agendas, there is hope. No matter how little they may think of our votes now, they would be well advised to pay attention this fall. Our votes do, indeed, matter. And our votes are our best tools to remove council members who do not have the town’s and our best interests at heart.
I urge every voter in Berlin who is unhappy with the disregard these three people have for the future of our town to reach out to people you feel would heal the wounds inflicted by the present board, people who would be able to rise above their own interests and to think of the town first. Then go out and vote those people in. Democracy is our best revenge.
Susan Womersley
Cherry Plain