by Brian Houle
On Tuesday, April 12, the voters of Pittstown voted against the proposed new fire house by an almost 2 to 1 margin, 269 against to 137 for. The projected cost of the new Fire House was about $1.3 million. Now the department will have to continue working out of a building dating back to the early 1940s which was once a one room school house. An addition was built in the 1950s which still has its original lead pipes and a single use bathroom with no decontamination shower to wash off in after bad accidents or dirty, muddy fire scenes. Chief Jason Harris was hoping that with the amount of awareness that this proposed project has raised recently that the taxpayers would be able to see through all the smoke and approve the measure. In 2010 voters rejected a similar project which would have resulted in a higher tax levy than this proposal by a vote of 196 to 153.