Dear Editor:
I am hopeful you will consider publishing the following letter in response to a charge that was made about me during the public session of the last Grafton Town Board meeting.
First, to be open and honest, I want to identify myself as the current Democratic Party Chairman in the Town of Grafton. The recent incident I am writing about does not, however, concern that position.
On Thursday, March 17, at the Grafton Town Board meeting, during the public comment period, I was accused by a resident of the Town, of “cutting and running” from my then elected position as a Town Assessor. Nothing could be further from the truth. My interest is and always has been to serve the citizens of Grafton honestly and openly. I established extra hours at the Town Hall for residents to discuss their assessment concerns with me and went out of my way to make sure people that were entitled to consideration for STAR exemptions, were aware and submitted their paperwork on time. Those who know me and have dealt with me know this to be true. Over the last year of my service however, the scope and direction of the office changed. Decisions were made that I strongly disagreed with and felt that they were not in the best interest of the people of Grafton. At that time, I also earned a large share of my income working as a building and home improvement contractor as well as a licensed real estate agent. I was informed by the then Chairman of Board of Assessors that this was a conflict of interest, and I would not be able to pursue this employment within the Town. While I may disagree with this, I was willing to accept this. I pointed out however, there were a few other similar situations involving other Town appointees, but this point was simply ignored.
I considered litigation to protect my interests but chose not to proceed as this could well have resulted in a protracted, expensive and nasty battle, with no real winners. So, after serving fairly and honestly for many years, I decided that it was in the best interest of the Town and myself to take the high road and simply resign from office. As a matter of fact, I thought it to be an issue that had been put to rest until the charge that was made Thursday night.
I want to thank all the residents of Grafton for their support, and I am very pleased to see the growing number of people who have attended recent Town Board meetings. I hope the residents of Grafton continue to show their interest in our Town and it’s government.
Thank you Sincerely,
William Middleton
Jay Hakes Road, Grafton