To the Editor:
The manner in which the Berlin Town Board conducts itself and determines that my community is too ignorant to know what we want or what the implications will be down the road is truly a disgrace. Berlin is the laughing stock of neighboring towns and villages.
I am a solid believer that everyone is entitled to their opinion. That is why we are a democracy. Everyone is entitled to a vote, and every vote is counted the same. Last year the voters of Berlin had two opportunities to cast a vote on the purchase of Berlin Lumber for a Town facility. The first time the community voted, the vote was against the purchase. The second time, when the purchase price was lowered, the vote passed, and the voters expressed their interest in building the community and moving into the 21st century. This directed the Town Board to pursue the purchase.
The Board is misinformed if they think that the community has asked them for their opinion as to whether the Town should even have a new facility. They had their chance to vote with the rest of us. And the voters have spoken. Once the vote passed, the Board’s responsibility was to perform due diligence to be certain that there weren’t any underlying structural or environmental issues at Berlin Lumber. Let’s stick to the point. Is the facility in good shape? Does it meet or exceed our needs? Does it create any environmental or maintenance liability? Their personal opinions are not open for discussion. The time for arguments has passed. They need to analyze the facts presented by professionals. If there are solid concerns about state of Berlin Lumber, then I say, “Thank you for finding them, halting this purchase and protecting the citizens.”
I don’t care if my neighbor shops in Berlin, goes to East Greenbush or the local Stewart’s. This is not the issue at hand. I could go on and on about the last 10 years or more that we have had to listen to locals saying that Cowee was closing, the snickers when rumors circulated that Berlin Lumber was closing, then again when Seagroatt’s was closing. Why would a business come here when local businesses can’t wait for them to fail? It’s easy to sit back and say that something won’t work. The hard work is seizing an opportunity and making it work. I think that the Town is up for the task.
The Board needs to understand their charge and live up to the expectations of a real government. Maybe job descriptions would help them to understand their fiduciary responsibility.
Tara Cinney-Fisher
Maple Avenue, Berlin