To the Editor:
I offer my apologies to the voters of the Town of Berlin.
How naive I was to think that after the majority of the voters on the 19th of July 2010 voted to purchase the Berlin Lumber property that the Board would not follow their decision.
Instead my fellow Board members banded together to follow their own vision of what the Town should be. This was driven by their desire to prevent the Highway Superintendent from having a better facility from which to provide service to the townspeople.
For three years I have witnessed the constant attacks aimed at the Highway Department. This can be highlighted by the nitpicking about 55 gallon drums of hydraulic fluid and false accusations against employees. I have had people who don’t attend the Board meetings comment on this common thread they see in the reports of the Eastwick Press. This has been further demonstrated by the denial of the purchase of a new truck to replace a fourteen year old vehicle.
These recent actions by my fellow Board members have triggered a firestorm of protest by the voters. I have had taxpayers who were not necessarily in favor of the purchases tell me the Board had no right to ignore the vote or not to buy a truck! I also have had taxpayers question whether these individuals can be impeached. They cannot be impeached, but you can use your vote!
I would suggest the public remember these actions and take your anger to the party caucuses and the voting booth in November. Research the connections of these current Board members. If they are a candidate for election or it is someone who they endorse, you may want to think twice before voting for an individual who will not follow the desires or needs of the voters.
Robert C. Jaeger
Town Supervisor