To the Editor:
Is anyone in the Town of New Lebanon reading the newspapers? Does no one object to the fact that our town government is allowing multiple family members to serve on boards and in official positions simultaneously? This IS Conflict of Interest. Does anyone in Lebanon care that their town officials have paid over $108,000 to the town attorney in the past four years for litigation fees? ALL for issues that could have been solved for FREE through mediation! Or, that MEDIATION was repeatedly requested?!
This is YOUR tax money, people! WHY must we have TWO law firms representing a town of this size? WHY were three appointed positions advertised, letters of interest solicited and interviews conducted, but a FOURTH appointed position was not required to be filled through that same procedure? Could it be, that THAT position was intended to be filled by a pre-determined, hand-picked crony? You BET it was! This town government wants to borrow many thousands of dollars for a new town hall yet they throw away that much to take residents to court for zoning issues that could be solved IN HOUSE. Aggrieved residents have received NO assistance, respect, intervention or cooperation from the Town Board, EVER. Are you content with knowing that our Town Board hired a non-resident official against the Town Law that prevented non-residents from serving? THEN paid this outsider $23,000 a year for an eight-hour work week PLUS mileage and extra pay for appearing at meetings and court? Your money!
Do you know or care that one of our officials threatened a vital witness in one of the local zoning cases that was taken to the Columbia County Supreme Court, and NOTHING was done about it?!? When you receive your next tax bill from the town, think about these things. Take action NOW, by reading the website below, or just continue to hand over your hard-earned dollars for our officials to play with as they see fit!
JJ. Johnson-Smith
Citizen’s Advocate
New Lebanon