Dear Editor;
I am a loyal and faithful reader and subscriber to the Eastwick Press. I am writing with respect to your report on the Grafton Town Board meeting in the Feb. 18 issue of the Press. It covered several interesting topics. I was especially interested in the questions raised in the public comment period. I was frustrated because the report was incomplete.
Asking questions is important. Getting the answers is even more important. There were no answers given to the questions raised in this portion of the meeting. I don’t know if the Town officials did not respond to the questions or if the Press did not print the responses. I hope that future coverage will rectify these omissions.
Thank you.
Anne Kiely
Editor’s Response: Well, Anne, we don’t know if the Town officials responded to the questions put to them or not since we did not have a reporter at the meeting. A “follow-up” about the meeting through telephone interviews was written by Alex Brooks. This kind of report, although better than nothing, can be plagued by hearsay statements and attributions that we try to avoid. Be patient; these questions will no doubt arise again, and when they do, we will print the answers, if any, because we have taken steps to make sure that we will have a reporter there.