Two weeks ago, Correctional Officer Ron Jacques and his family suffered a devastating fire at their home in Hoosick Falls. They lost their home and nearly all of their possessions including several beloved family pets.
Sheriff Mahar, his deputies, staff and Ron’s fellow correctional officers will be holding a fund raiser to assist Ron and his family during this very difficult time on Sunday, February 20, from 1 to 5 pm at the Italian Community Center, 1450 5th Ave., Troy. A donation of $25 per individual or $40 per couple is requested.
Food and beverages are courtesy of SEARCO, PBA and Red Front Restaurant.
Prizes will be available through a silent auction, and a 50/50 Raffle will also be held.
For those who cannot attend the event on but wish to make a donation, checks can be made out to Ronald Jacques and dropped off or sent to the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Office. For more information, call Marcelle Swanberry at 266-1904 or Jackie Fiore at 266-1907.