Applications are being accepted for the scholarship award of $250 for the best essay on “What Freedom Means To Me” by a graduating senior from Brunswick Central School District or Berlin Central School District who is continuing on with his or her education. The essay should not be less than 250 words and not more than 500 words. The scholarship is being given jointly by the Carner, Etman, Smith V.F.W. Post 6340 and the Carner, Etman, Smith V.F.W. Post 6340 Auxiliary in memory of a former member, Elmer A. Grogan.
The deadline for applications is April 29. Applications are available at the guidance counselor offices of both high schools and should be mailed to Carner, Etman, Smith V.F.W. Post 6340, P.O. Box 361, Grafton, NY, 12082, Attn: Commander Richard Terpening.