The January meeting of the Taconic Valley Community Group (TVCG), is scheduled for Thursday, January 13, at 12:30 pm at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall, Route 20, New Lebanon. The program will feature Jim Shake of the American Red Cross discussing the blood drive that TVCG will host on Thursday, February 10, at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall. Volunteers are needed to help assure the success of this major project. Anyone interested in donating blood or otherwise volunteering should contact Project Chairperson Betty Donnelly at 733-0450. There will also be a bake sale and used jewelry sale in conjunction with and on the day of the blood drive.
The Taconic Valley Community Group is dedicated to improving the quality of life and building a sense of community and fostering a sense pride in our area by conducting educational programs and generating funds to help area residents and organizations that foster a better lifestyle for our communities.
All meetings of the Taconic Valley Community Group, held the second Thursday of each month, are open to the public and membership is open to anyone who has an interest in improving the quality of life in the towns of the Taconic Valley area. For further information on future programs, contact Betty Donnelly at 733-0450. Membership is open to any resident of the Taconic Valley (Berlin, Stephentown, New Lebanon, East Nassau, etc.) at a cost of $20 annually. Anyone interested in becoming a member should contact Membership Chairperson Cindy Morin at 733-0268 or TVCG President Mary Defreest at 733-0009.