To the Editor:
As 2010 draws to a close the Board of Directors and staff of the Hoosick Area Youth Center & Community Coalition are thankful for the support of the community that allows us to provide programs, services and assistance to youth and families. We are honored to be a part of so many lives, and we intend to continue to serve the Hoosick area for years to come.
HAYC3 was created from the merger of the Hoosick Area Partnership for Parents & Youth and the Hoosick Area Youth & Community Center. The Youth Center has been offering recreational programs and a safe haven to local youth for more than 55 years. The Hoosick Area Partnership has sought to support youth and families and aid our young people in making healthy choices for more than 13 years. When these organizations joined forces in January 2010, they became a leaner, stronger and more efficient organization.
Although we receive a significant amount of grant funds to pay for programming costs each year, there are many expenses (heat, electricity, building repairs, food supplies, etc.) that cannot be covered by those grants. For those expenses, we must rely on the Hoosick community and its support from membership dues, program fees and contributions.
I know the recession and the slow economic recovery are hitting all of us. Money is tight. However, please remember that there are many in our community who rely on the Youth Center for a warm, safe place to go after school and for family support. The Youth Center provides much more than recreation to these families. The Center collects food for the Food Pantry and organizes free community events. Community support helps us to support others.
Our recently distributed annual appeal brochure points out that the Youth Center facility is in need of some serious repairs. This work has been deferred for years to keep membership dues and program fees reasonable. The time has come to address these problems before they threaten the operation of the Youth Center. The time has come for the community to make a substantial investment in two of its greatest treasures – its youth and its youth center.
In response to our annual appeal, I hope everyone will please be as generous as their circumstances allow. The operation of the Youth Center for nearly six decades is due in large part to the kindness of members of the community who grew up visiting the Center and participating in its programs. Let’s work together to keep that tradition alive for future generations.
Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season, and we wish you all luck and prosperity in the coming year.
James Monahan,
Board President HAYC3
P.S. Every dollar invested in our community Youth Center and its programs is tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Gifts must be received by December 31, 2010 to qualify for a current year tax deduction.