To the Editor:
After reading with disbelief Mr. Kramer’s reporting of the Berlin Town Board’s last meeting, and at the risk of getting everyone hot under the collar (and there are a lot of hot collars around here lately), I would like to suggest to The Eastwick Press that they start an editorial column. This would allow Mr. Kramer to put forth his viewpoints on all manner of subjects (i.e. Berlin Lumber as home or not to the Berlin Town government) without letting them taint his reporting. There are many subjects that cause a great deal of angst and outcry in our communities, and Mr. Kramer’s gonzo style of reporting does nothing to help us weigh the facts and form opinions. Unless I’m mistaken, a journalist’s job is to report the facts. Not the facts as so heavily skewed by the opinion of this reporter. While our town appreciates the coverage that allows us all to know what’s going on, it would be better served by being able to read through a well-written collection of facts gathered from both sides of an issue so that we can make up our own minds. I’m sure that wouldn’t create quite the sensational story that Mr. Kramer seems to relish, but it would be better journalism.
Susan Womersley
Cherry Plain
Kramer’s Response: You seem to have made up your mind anyway. Sorry if it upset you but that Berlin Board meeting called for a satirical approach. By the way, the facts of the meeting were reported accurately and fairly even if they’re not the “facts” you’d prefer to hear.