To the Editor:
So a new year has started at BES and, as most of us probably anticipated, it’s a “DISASTER.” My child has 27 kids in his class. Yes, you read that right, 27 kids. How is this for “the better of the kids”? How are these kids going to get a proper education with that many students in one class? How can a teacher attend to the different needs of each student with that class size and no aide? Not to mention that the building is not even close to being “suitable” for the consolidation of all of those students. There has been no decrease in enrollment, but the District moves all the kids into a building with the lack of space. This decision was partly based on an administrator who is no longer with the District. They apparently did not care for the needs of the children
After my son, who has asthma, attended school for 3 days, he came home and had an asthma attack. He did very well all summer long with not one doctor’s visit, even with all the allergens and pollen in the air, which he is allergic to. The District closed down two of the newer schools, to consolidate the whole Elementary district into one building. The building is very contaminated with asbestos, mold, mildew and other substances that may be unknown. Again, this is suppose to be “for the students.” How is that so when they are getting sick from the building. One question I am sure we all have in mind is, “How is the District getting away with this?” They say testing has been done on the school and has all come back fine. How is that possible when the students and staff get sick from it? What is going on here? How can I send my child into an environment everyday that is making him sick. Another question that I am sure many have in mind is “What is going to be done about it.” That answer to that is probably “NOTHING.”
The Berlin Elementary School and District is a “NIGHTMARE.”
Nicole Bink
South Road, Grafton