A Day At The Fair
by Bea Peterson
The Schaghticoke Fair was last week. The first few days were really hot, but the weekend was glorious and the weather was perfect for strolling through the exhibits. Some families have been exhibiting at the Fair for 50 years or more. Today their children and grandchildren also show animals, participate in 4-H programs or exhibit crafts and more. Besides the rides, which the young people love, there were plenty of activities and interesting programs for young and old to enjoy and plenty of food to try as well.
On Saturday there was a horse show going on and cows were being judged.
Exhibiting their cows in one class were Mike and Drew Hoag of Hoacre Farm in Hoosick and Sarah McMahon of Hooskip Farm in North Petersburgh.
The Hoosick Falls Central School Jazz Band, directed by Bill Brown, played twice for appreciative crowds in the Family Living Center.
Winners From Hoosick
In the same building the Hoosick Grange won a blue ribbon for its exhibit on Mosquitoes. Corrine Philpott was pleased. She said it was the first time the Grange has ever scored a perfect 100 for their effort. She said they have had 98s in the past but never 100. Eleanor Calhoun of Hoosick Falls won several awards for her flower arrangements, and Dale Cornell of Hoosick won the Viewers Choice blue ribbon for his Vegetable Market display.
Andrea White was in charge of the Berlin Mapledale Farmhouse Cheese booth for the Greene family. Jane Winegard of Hoosick Falls went through the new voting procedure in the Rensselaer County Exhibit building. Those were just a few of the many area exhibitors spotted at the Fair Saturday afternoon.