To the Editor:
Now that Grafton and Stephentown Elementary schools have been officially closed due to the unfortunate decision from part of the (former and not all) Board of Education members (not the community) and a former administrator; all of the students will be housed at the Berlin Elementary School (BES). How is this building suitable for all of these students? Overcrowded classrooms, eliminating sections of a grade level because of lack of space (not decreasing enrollment), removing the computer lab and library rooms from the building to accommodate the extra students all of which doesn’t even make sense when there are two other buildings available which are in better condition and wouldn’t cost millions of dollars to renovate.
After attending several Board of Education meetings and a couple of them at BES and seeing the deterioration of this building I have to ask myself “What were these people thinking by allowing this consolidation to take place?” or “Were they thinking?” The paint chips (? lead) peeling and falling, the breathing of asbestos, mold and mildew and no ventilation system all make it a hazardous and tainted building. How can this be a safe environment for the children and the staff? Some of the children will have to endure longer bus rides and longer days and many of them will be subjected to larger classes. Over and over again it has been said, “It is for the good of the children.” How can putting the children in a contaminated building with all the other negatives be “for the good of the children?”
How and when will all of these problems be fixed? Who will pay for the millions of dollars for repairs? The taxpayers? Now there is only one building for the elementary grades that is infected, unhygienic and polluted. Is this really “for the good of the children?” “WHAT A HUGE MISTAKE!!!”
This consolidation was just a power play on the part of the (former and not all) members of Board of Education along with a former administrator. If the vote went out to the community like it should have this consolidation would never have happened. The taxpayers were robbed of their voices.
Patricia Busch
Steve O’Dell Road, Cropseyville