To the Editor,
I would like to address the upcoming issue of the purchase of the Berlin Lumber property. Some residents have expressed concerns that the property is in the flood plain, it is too big for us and it will increase taxes. Some of you may have other concerns. I feel that the first vote resulted in a NO vote because the information some residents received was exaggerated and incorrect and many people were led to believe that this would not be good for the town. This time, I would like to give you factual and correct information so you can make an intelligent and informed decision. The sale price is $499,500. We have $587,000 in the bank; NO TAXES will have to be raised to purchase this property. The sellers have told us that the sale price is negotiable, so the price could be lower. This purchase will provide the Town with a Town Hall, office space and a Highway Garage that all our equipment will fit into. It will also allow for other space for large group meetings and possible rental space. It will also provide space for the Taconic Valley Soccer Club to have fields of their own. This property is NOT in the flood plain. The river behind the buildings is in the flood plain. The flood plain consists of a 100 foot area where the river is, nowhere near the buildings. The current highway garage IS in the flood plain and no one has been concerned about that.
Future repairs – even if we pay the sale price, there will be money left over to put aside for future repairs, as well as rental income could be used for this.
Utility costs – Berlin Lumber heats with propane which is less expensive than fuel oil. The buildings are constructed better than our old buildings and should be more cost efficient. According to the Berlin Lumber people, their heating costs, when in full operation, was less than ours now. The current highway garage would be rented with the renter paying the utilities, and the rent received could be used for repairs or utilities.
The Town is currently renting garage space at Hoosick River Hardwoods at a cost of $550 per month. This equals $6,600 per year. We would save this much that could go toward the fuel costs.
Possibilities are being explored to rent space in one of the buildings to the County which would add revenue to the Town. And the State and County are interested in sharing services on sand and salt.
The only construction we would need to do would be to make a handicap entrance and bathroom. Estimates came in around $19,000.
This is a chance to have ALL our town officials in one location where people can find them. All Town records will be in town property instead of our households. There is ample storage for our records. Yes, my office has been in my home as have my predecessors’ for many years. This was done because there was NO room for an office at the current Town Hall. If anyone has been in the Town Hall, you would see the space limitations. Many have said we need to get businesses to move here. Well, think how it looks to potential businesses to come to my basement for information. This is a once in a lifetime chance the Town has to begin to move into the 21st century and look more professional to outsiders. The best thing is, WE HAVE THE MONEY AND TAXES DO NOT HAVE TO BE RAISED TO PURCHASE THIS PROPERTY.
I ask everyone to look at the facts and make up their minds on these facts – the real facts.
Anne Maxon
Berlin Town Clerk, Taxpayer and Resident for 60 years