by Kieron Kramer
At its meeting on Tuesday evening, the Rensselaer County Legislature passed two resolutions focussing on residents of Eastern Rensselaer County. One honored a girl from Grafton just starting on the road of life, whose future is full of possibilities. One remembered a Stephentown man whose travels have ended, who lived a life well spent, full of accomplishments and service for his community.
In Memoriam Of Sylvester C. Close
Sylvester “Si” Close died on March 9, 2010, at the age of 84. Perhaps because he accomplished so much and meant so much to the departments and organizations in Stephentown of which he was a member, the resolution did not include the list of achievements that is customary in such memorials. Just to mention a few, Si had been a member of the Stephentown Volunteer Fire Department since 1949, where he held many positions, including Chief from 1969 to 1976, and as Fire Commissioner since 1978. He also served the Town of Stephentown as Town Clerk from 1974 until 1993. Si was a member of the New York State and Rensselaer County Fire Chiefs Association, past member and Vice-President of the Rensselaer County Town Clerks Association, a former Assistant Scout Leader from 1961 to 1967, a member of the Stephentown Republican Club and a member of the Veterans of Stephentown.
The resolution says, “It is customary for this Legislative Body to pay honor and respect to persons who have had a great impact and influence on the citizens of this county during their time on this earth; it is with particularly deep sadness that we conclude this evening’s deliberations in honor of Sylvester C. Close…We honor in memory a man who gave unselfishly of his time and effort to worthy causes throughout our beloved county; and…Sylvester C. Close will be missed by his family: his wife of 61 years, Vivian M. Close, two children, Rev. John L. Close of Stephentown, Jean M. (Stephen) Kosche of Shaftsbury, VT, as well as his many friends and acquaintances…the Rensselaer County Legislature concludes its deliberations in memory of Sylvester C. Close and extends its deepest sympathy to his family, fully confident that his contributions to his community will live on to serve as a legacy for all.”
Kelsey O’Dell
A resolution commended Kelsey O’Dell of Grafton for publishing her first book at the age of fourteen. The book, Dear Diary/ Am I Really Thirteen?, was published in December 2009.
The resolution says, “A county is only as great as those persons and organizations that provide exemplary service to their community, whether through voluntary programs, personal achievement in their professions or other endeavors… Kelsey O’Dell is one such individual whose efforts have earned her special recognition…Kelsey is a ninth-grader at Berlin Central Middle/High School…Ever since Kelsey was in elementary school, she wanted to be an author. She always loved reading and writing and has now published book at the age of fourteen…be it resolved that this Legislative Body shall inscribe upon its records this tribute to Kelsey O’Dell so that future generations may know and appreciate her admirable character and recognize her upon her achievement.”
The Clerk of the Legislature will transmit a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed, to Kelsey O’Dell and to the family of Si Close.
Broadband Spreading In The County?
A resolution supporting an application by Eastern Rensselaer County communities and this legislative body to attract Google® to the area passed unanimously. According to the resolution, “Broadband internet service is a significant part of the lives of many living in Rensselaer County and across the State and is utilized for the transaction of business, educational efforts, entertainment and communication with friends and family. Residents living in Eastern Rensselaer County are unfortunately unable to enjoy the benefits of efficient broadband service and are forced to rely on slower connection speeds that often interrupt or impede communication and access to information.”
The Legislature has joined in an effort coordinated by Petersburgh resident Cody Goodermote to participate in an effort by the worldwide internet company Google® to seek pilot communities to serve as test sites for a new rapid-speed broadband internet service. Broadband service would improve quality of life and promote job and business creation and retention efforts in the area. In the resolution the Legislature also supported the citizens of Troy in their efforts to win the “Google Fiber to Communities” initiative. According to the resolution, Troy is now poised to bring the next wave of innovation to the City and Rensselaer County by being one of the first communities to lead the nation with ultra-high speed broadband. If no communities of Rensselaer County are chosen by Google, the Legislature urges other internet service providers to consider implementing or expanding service in Rensselaer County to promote more efficient and affordable broadband internet service.
Dyken Pond Education Center Gets Grant
A resolution authorizing an agreement to accept a grant from the N.Y.S. Office Of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and to amend the 2010 adopted Rensselaer County Budget to reflect the grant passed unanimously. The Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center has been notified of the award of a grant in the total maximum amount of $15,000 from 4/1/08 – 3/31/10 for the purpose of paying environmental educators through temporary services. This is an increase of $5,000 over the original budgeted grant amount.
Backing Into A Cheaper Bus
In December of 2009 the County of Rensselaer was authorized by the Legislature to accept a grant of $140,000 by New York State, provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (aka the Stimulus) for the purchase of a medium-duty handicapped accessible bus for the transportation route between
Hoosick Falls and Albany. Yankee Trails, Inc., the operator of the transportation route, preferred providing more comfortable seating than could be afforded with the noted funding, and had committed to provide an additional $2,484 for the purchase of a particular bus. The bus was not purchased in 2009, and, according to District 5 Legislator Stan Goodermote, who along with Lester Goodermote represents the towns of Stephentown, Berlin, Petersburgh, Grafton, Hoosick and the Village of Hoosick Falls, when the bus was ordered in 2010 it did not meet the emissions standards for 2010. So Rensselaer County and Yankee Trails agreed on the purchase of a different bus. Brownell said that this new bus is ADA compliant, has the comfortable seating, meets the newer emissions standards for buses and costs less. The new bus will be purchased from Matthew Buses, Inc. of Ballston Spa for $137,635 through State contract purchasing procedures. In this case the unintentional delay saved money.
County Confusion
The Legislature passed a resolution removing a parcel owned by Robert and Elsie Baisley from the Stephentown tax roll retroactive to 2005 because the assessment is unenforceable. The assessment on the parcel is unenforceable because the property is actually in Columbia County and is assessed there.
That’s not the only county confusion. According to Lester Goodermote, Fairpoint has been including Columbia County tax on their telephone bills to customers in Rensselaer County as far north as Petersburgh. But, Goodermote said in an interview after the Legislative session, this is not just a labeling problem; Fairpoint has been paying the collected tax to Columbia County. Goodermote thinks that Fairpoint is liable to Rensselaer County for the tax collected and will have to calculate the amount and pay the County. Whether Fairpoint can get back the money it paid wrongfully to Columbia County is a matter of conjecture.
At Tuesday’s session of the Rensselaer County Legislature three eastern Rensselaer County residents were appointed to County positions. Former Rensselaer County Family Court Judge, the Honorable Linda Griffin of Stephentown was appointed to the County Board of Ethics. Her term is effective immediately and expires on December 31, 2013. Donald Barton of Johnsonville was appointed as a member of the County Fire Advisory Board. Legislator Lester Goodermote of Hoosick was appointed as the Legislative Representative to the Board of Directors of the Rensselaer County Extension Service Association for a term to commence immediately, expiring on December 31, 2013.