The Little Hoosic Watershed Association Board of Directors met to follow up on the Special Meeting held on March 19. The primary issue discussed was the US Fish and Wildife’s proposal to remove two debris dams and replace them with different types of river management structures. The structures are no longer optimally serving their intended flood control purposes. A tremendous amount of sediment has built up over the years since they were last cleaned out, which causes the river to change course and to spread out and negatively affect the land on both sides of the river.

The proposals from US Fish and Wildlife are one option to address the problem. However, no decision has been made about the work they have proposed. At the March Special Meeting, the Association voted to move forward with the application for a permit, but there are still many questions that need to be answered before making a final decision to actually do the work. It was agreed that it is important to have representatives of US Fish and Wildlife present their proposals at an open meeting and respond to questions about the proposed work. The Board is working to set up a meeting. In the meantime, the Board wishes to clarify some questions for those who were unable to attend the March 19 meeting.
US Fish and Wildlife approached the organization about removing debris dams and replacing them with different types of river management structures. The Association did not select the sites. US Fish and Wildlife would supply the resources to do the work, and they chose two debris dam locations as their first priority. At the Association’s request, they added to this initial phase of work a section of river in North Petersburgh that has no dam but has severe bank erosion. A previously funded site is also included in the permit application so that its design can be changed to one proposed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Thanks to everyone who attended the March 19 meeting. We hope you will all attend the upcoming US Fish and Wildlife presentation so that everyone’s questions and concerns can be addressed.