by Bea Peterson
Letters From Third Grade
Newly elected Hoosick Falls Mayor Matt Monahan thanked Mrs. Terri Burdick’s HFCS third grade class for their letters of congratulations and suggestions. “I was very impressed with the letters, and I appreciate them,” he said.
Business of the regular meeting proceeded quickly. The Board waited for Trustee Ric DiDonato to arrive to hold the organizational meeting. Trustee Ann Bornt was absent.
Trustee Robert Downing reported the wastewater treatment plant is running well. The aerator is going fine, and the repairs were only $200, which was a relief to all.
The new water treatment plant has been on line for two weeks. There is still work to be done.
Hydrants To Be Flushed
On May 6 hydrants in Wards 2 and 3 will be flushed. On May 7 hydrants in Wards 1 and 4 will be done. The flushing will take place between 8 am and 3 pm each day.
The garbage contract was renewed for one year at an increase of 2.3 percent. That is an increase of $2,400 as the yearly cost is $108,918.24.
Downing said a second water plant operator will need to be hired at some point as Mr. Gerard will be retiring in December. Mayor Monahan suggested, and the Board agreed, to table any decision until next month.
Trustee Mike Hickey said representatives from Clough Harbour will walk Woods Brook on Friday morning and offer a quote on the cost to put together a scope of work proposal.
DiDonato said a website for the Village’s greenway is being prepared. On Wednesday members of the Hoosic River Watershed Association and people from NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation will get together to walk the Village’s trail.
In other business the Board:
• approved a motion for water project payments in the amount of $231,729.67.
• approved a motion to request bids for an engineering proposal to evaluate alternatives to the sludge storage tank at the waste water treatment plant. Mayor Monahan said that two years ago, and again this year, the tank froze causing problems and necessitating repairs.
• approved a change order of $1,024.50 for the water project from JV Warren.
• approved a change order of $6,199 for the water project from Malone & Tate.
• approved a motion to advertise for bids for the water main installation on NYS Route 22, River Rd., Liberty St., Martin St., Scott St., Hovey Ave. and Davis St.
• accepted the resignation of Police Officer Charles Rockwell.
• received notification of Police Officer Ryan Ashes’ 8 to 12 month deployment overseas with the Marine Corps, effective March 24.
• tabled a motion to appoint a temporary full time police officer until next month.
• approved the appointments of Robert Murphy and Edward Barnes as full time police officers with six months probation. Murphy had worked for the Department previously and Barnes is a part time officer for the Village.
• approved a request for leave of absence from Police Officer Rob Snider.
• approved a motion to sign a contract with Rensselaer County for underage drinking compliance checks for 2009. The Village receives $500 to cover manpower costs to conduct the checks.
• approved a motion to adopt the Rensselaer County registered voters list for the Village’s election. Mayor Monahan said the Village will not maintain its own registry any more. This will make less work for the Village and means that residents will only have to register with the County and not with the Village as well.
• approved a motion to allocate $3,000 from the fund balance to the Youth Center for 2009. The Mayor said this item wasn’t budgeted for last year and should have been.
• approved a peddlers permit for Mr. Ding-A-Ling from April 15 to September 15.
Budget Public Hearing
The Board approved a motion to set a Public Hearing on the 2009-2010 budget for Tuesday, April 21, at 6 pm.
Barroom Brawls
James Martinez of Church St. spoke to the Board about the problems outside the neighboring Half Time. He said he had contacted the NYS Liquor Board. “It is out of control over there,” he said. The Mayor agreed. “We are doing everything within the legal limits,” he said. “We don’t want them out.” What he would like to see is some improvement. Police have responded to calls there three of the last four weeks. The Rescue Squad responded twice last month. Martinez said one man is still in the hospital. The concern is with spring coming that more people will be congregating outside.