by Bea Peterson
David Towne’s Victorian Christmas Village is open to the public free of charge once again this year.
David and his family spend a month or so uncovering the gigantic display, fixing the lighting, sprinkling fresh artificial snow, rearranging a few items and adding buildings and figures. What started out years ago as a small hobby has grown to gigantic proportions. And it continues to grow! This year David has added 25 new buildings and many little people have been placed in the new little community.

Be sure to bring the entire family. You will be delighted with the ohs and ahs you hear from young and old when they see the hundreds of houses, churches, fire houses, schools, shops, skating ponds, ski slopes and so much more. Every year there is something different. The nutcracker shelf seems to be more crowded this year. You’ll find something new to see no matter how many times you stop in to visit.
The Victorian Christmas Village is open Friday through Sunday, from 3 until 8 pm.
To visit the Village take Babcock Lake Road from Route 7, go one quarter mile and take a right by the large sign. The building is the first one on the right.