On the weekend of July 31-August 2, Worcester-based organization Fractaltribe will be presenting its annual project Fractalfest at Gardner’s Farm in Stephentown. Fractaltribe is a community of artists, musicians, and craftsmen dedicated to creating meaningful experiences and immersive atmospheres; celebrations which foster creative expression in a healthy and supportive environment.
[private]This year’s Fractalfest will feature an extensive list of art projects from around New England, as well as a full schedule of workshops focusing on topics such as permaculture, yoga, herbal medicine and more.
Residents of Stephentown are invited to come by and meet the crew, who will be hosting a walk through and yoga session from noon till 1 pm on Friday, July 31. To RSVP for the community tour, please email Justin, the Volunteer Coordinator, at volunteerfractaltribe@gmail.com. [/private]